A History of Charmouth from the Domesday.
Just click on link to see relevant pages.

1086 Domesday Book 1240 Forde Abbey Cartulary 1278 Grant of Market and Fair 1297 Creation of Borough
1341 the Abbot`s homage

1348 Black Death
1503 Church rebuilt 1525 Lay subsidy
1539 Map of Coast 1539 Forde Abbey dissolved

1540 Leland writes:Charmouth

1542 Muster Roll for Charmouth
1564 Charter for Charmouth 1564 Petre buys Manor 1564 Comprehensive Survey
1572 Sir John Petre inherits
The Manor of Charmouth
1575 The Elms leased by Petre
1575 William Pole buys Manor 1587 Sir William Pole inherits
the Manor of Charmouth
1588 Spanish Armada off coast

1635 Sir John Pole inherits Manor

1588 Merchants List
1641 Protestation List 1648 Ellesdon buys Manor 1651 Charles II stays a night
1663 Hearth Tax 1674 Deed: Edward Mabell
1685 Duke of Monmouth 1714 Anthony Ellesden Deed 1731 Inventory- Thomas Ellesden
1737 Richard Henvillinherits
the Manor of Charmouth
1744 Benedicta Henvill inherits the Manor of Charmouth

1753-8 Turnpikes set up
1754 Poor Rates List 1754Turnpike Road created.
1761 Alehouse List 1765 Isaac Taylors Map 1765 D. Gordge- Smuggler
1779 Francis Henvill inherit
he Manor of Charmouth
1780 Highways Tax
1780 Poor rates List
1780 Land Tax
1780 Poor Rates Dispute 1781 Land Tax 1782 Land Tax
1782 James Combe Obituary 1783 Lost Charmouth Map 1783 Land Tax 1783 Warden buys Manor 1784 Land Tax
1785 Land Tax 1786 Land Tax 1787 Land Tax 1788 Land Tax 1789 Land Tax
1790 Land Tax 1789 Visit by King George III 1792 Elizabeth Warden inherits
the Manor of Charmouth
1793 Land Tax 1795 Land Tax

1796 Land Tax
1798 Land Tax 1798 Ann Liddon inherits
the Manor of Charmouth
1800 Land Tax 1801 Farming Survey
1801 Population is 369 1802 Land Tax 1803 Jane Austen`s Visit 1803 Manor mortgaged
1803 Land Tax
1805 Land Tax
1805 Poor Rates

1806 Poor Rates
1806 Church Rates 1807 Poll Book
1807 Land Tax 1807 Poor Rate
1808 Land Tax
1809 Bridport Directory
1808 Poor Rate
1809 Poor Rates 1810 Land Tax
1810 Poor Rates
1810 Map 1811 Population is 458

1811 Land Tax
1811 Poor Rates 1812 Land Tax 1812 Survey of Land & Houses
1812 Poor Rates
1813 Census for Charmouth 1813 Land Tax 1813 Poor Rates 1814 Land Tax 1814 Poor Rates
1815 Poor Rates 1815 Dr. Graves Appeal to Rate
1815 Land Tax

1816 Land Tax

1816 Poor Rates

1817 Land Tax

1817 Poor Rates
1818 Land Tax
1818 Poor Rates
1819 Land Tax

1819 Poor Rates
1820 Land Tax
1820 Poor Rates
1820 Langmoor Cottage Sale 1821 Population is 607

1821 Land Tax

1821 Poor Rates

1822 Land Tax
1822 Poor Rates 1823 Land Tax

1823 Poor Rates
1823 Lily Farm Sale
1824 Land Tax
1824 New Road to Lyme
1824 Poor Rates

1825 Jury List

1825 Poor Rates

1826 Land Tax
1826 Poor Rates 1826 Jury List
1826 Death Sentence
1827 Jury List

1827 Poor Rates

1827 Land Tax

1828 Jury List

1828 Land Tax

1828 Poor Rates

1829 Map by Greenwood
1829 Land Tax 1829 Poor Rates
1830 Jury List 1830 Land Tax 1830 Poor Rates
1830 Directory List
1831 Population is 724
1831 Poll Book 1831 Land Tax 1831 Poor Rates
1832 Jury List

1832 Poor Rates

1832 Land Tax

1833 Princess Victoria`s Visit 1833 List of properties 1834 Jury List 1835 Jury List
1836 Church Rebuilt
1837 Jury List

1838 Jury List

1839 Directory List

1840 Jury List

1840 Directory List

1841 Charmouth Manor

1841 Tithe Map

1841 Tithe Map - Street
1841 Tithe Map / Census
1841 Census 1841 Census (Surnames)
1842 Election Dispute

1844 Directory List

1846 Brunel plans Railway

1841 Tithe Map Centre

1846 List of Voters

1847 Land Tax
1848 List of Voters
1849 Directory

1851 Census

1851 Census (Names)

1851 Jury List

1851 Population is 664

1853 Foreshore Ownership

1853 Frean buys the Manor
1851 Directory
1855 Directory List
1857 Jury List
1859 Poll of Electors

1861 Jury List
1861 Census 1862 Liddon sells"Limes" 1864 Hawkshaw buys Manor 1864 Hawkshaw`s Railway
1865 Wellmans Directory 1865 Voters List 1865 Directory List
1867 Manor for Sale

1871 John James Coulton
buys Charmouth Manor

1871 Census

1871 Directory

1871 Jury List

1875 Directory
1880 Map of Charmouth
1880 Directory
1881 Jury List

1887 Map of Charmouth
1895 Poor Rates List 1874 Directory

1898 Manor Lands Auction

1901 Map of Charmouth

1903 Directory

1904 Manor Lands Auction

1907 List of Voters

1908 Alfred Douglas Pass
buys Charmouth Manor

1911 Census (Addresses)

1911 Census (Surnames)
1911 Summary Book
1911 Directory
1912 an illustrated look back
1915 Directory

1920 Directory

1921 Pryer Land sale
1921 Jury List
1926 Map of Charmouth
1926 Ordnance Survey Map

1927 Voters List

1934 Map of Foreshore
1938 purchase of Foreshore
1945 Miss Evan`s Gift 1947 Aerial Photograph 1957 Map of Charmouth
1958 Lower Sea Lane entrance widened
1970 Douglas Pass dies

1985 Heritage Centre opened

2011 Aerial Map